How to identify a fake pastor - Welcome to VelloNews


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Sunday, 7 May 2017

How to identify a fake pastor

6 things that show your pastor/prophet is a fake and a liar from the pit of hell (Photos)

It is yet another Sunday, and many will get into their finest apparel, heading for different churches. However, even Jesus Christ warned that in the last days, there would be fake pastors and miracle workers. Christ specifically said that there would be many who call him lord but are not his servants.

 1. All they do is crack jokes and tell stories If all your man-of-God does is to tell stories and crack jokes, then you should run. The kingdom of God and the principles of Christianity goes way beyond cracking jokes, there must be time for feasting on the word in its core nature.

2. If every sermon is about prosperity There are churches where week after week all the sermons preached are about properity, be careful. Even the bible says that you should prosper as your soul prospers, if you are prospering without spiritual prosperity, think again. 

3. They ask you to pay for everything If every sermon is about tithes, and you must pay for virtually every service, think again. Christ has paid it all, we only return our tithes and offerings in appreciation and in furtherance of God's work. 

4. Bath with soap at river and sleep in pastor's house Some so called men of God have made the news for what they do with women, especially other men's wives, all in the name of prayers. If you still have a cleric that tells you about spiritual cleansing in some river, bathing with sacred soap, you might want to review your membership.

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